Aging is inevitable for all of us. In order to stay well and enjoy your senior years, it is essential to make wise food choices, get all the nutrients you need  to help keep your body and mind strong, and better to fight or prevent diseases.

The human body undergoes several physical changes during the aging process, some of which can influence food choices. See a dietitian for your personalized meal plan. 


STOP the CLOCK with these Lifestyle techniques: 

  • Eat 5 to 6 small meals throughout the day including fruit and vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats (see a Registered dietitian to help plan your meals)

  • Include berries, low fat yogurts, and nuts daily

  • Drink milk

  • Exercise such as walking, biking, or gardening daily

  • Strength training to maintain muscle mass

  • Drink water throughout the day

  • Laugh and Enjoy life!